Essential Manzanita is a newsletter from Manzanita Works that gets the word out about programs and benefits that serve our community's essential workers.
What is Manzanita Works? We are a charitable organization taking on the big things that obstruct or interrupt your ability to show up for work. In technical terms, we are a fiscally sponsored project of the nonprofit Philanthropic Ventures Foundation. Maybe your commute is a grind. Maybe you struggle to find childcare. Maybe you can't find or afford housing that works for you. Our programs are intended to take the edge off your daily challenges to help you thrive.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive early news about our programs at no cost and with no fundraising appeals. This includes updates on some of our existing programs like Caltrain Pass Forward and Essential Express™, and new ones like Manzanita Tool Share and our Essential Wheels™ e-bike loaner program. Our goal is to provide you with useful information about the local resources you've asked for and want.
Thank you for everything that you do!
It is an honor to share our work in progress with you.
#manzanitaworks #workinprogress #essentialmanzanita